30 Free parking spaces
Free Wi-Fi
Check-in time starts at 16:00 / Check-out time at 10:00
You can choose either one.
Overnight / consecutive stay / Long Stay
room only / bed and breakfast
breakfast ¥800(tax charge not included)
※1 night stay from
・Single room ¥4,200~ (tax & service charge not included)
・Twin room ¥7,800~ (tax & service charge not included)
※1 night stay from
・2 persons ¥10,000~ (tax & service charge not included)
・3 persons ¥12,000~ (tax & service charge not included)
※1 night stay from
・1 persons ¥5,000~ (tax & service charge not included)
Stay House opened in May 2018. We look forward to welcoming you
and your family as our guests soon!
Mototaki Fukuryusui Underflow
The infiltrated water, falling from a 30 meter-wide rock wall, provides refreshing air. The contrast between the vivid green of the moss-covered slope and vibrant white of the spraying waters creates a therapeutic breeze to soothe the soul.
Nikaho Highlands
The Nikaho Highlands are located at the easternmost end of Mt. Chokai at 500 meters above sea level. Situated 10 kilometers from the Sea of Japan, the highlands are spotted with lakes of various sizes to compose a unique scenic area. Mt. Chokai stands as the most magnificent monument, overlooking the Nikaho Highlands from its centrally- oriented position, to the awe of visitors.
Mt. Chokai
At 2,236 meters, Mt. Chokai is the second highest mountain in the Tohoku region of Japan. Soaring almost vertically from the shore, the top of the mountain is only 16 kilometers from the coast. Among the diversity of the nation's mountains, this type of isolated volcano peak is very unusual, especially with its varied and scenic surroundings, including seashore, flat land, rivers, highlands, marshlands and mountains, all condensed into one area.